Monday, February 14, 2011

The beginning of my Manifesto

An image that has been in my head for a long time, finally exuded as my first painting.
Doubled as an assignment for my materials class. "Self-Proclamation" 8 x 10" Oil on Canvas.

I have been here for two weeks, roughly, only now and feel I am exponentially developing as an individual: my mentality, my externalities, my soul. I came to Pont Aven knowing it would be more than an art school. And though most of my blogs are recounting events of classes and activities, I feel I must present and elaborate on my internal growth.

The “unnecessary” breaks that we take are just as important as any work in the studio I have accomplished. Rather than feeling guilty for so-called procrastination, I have had the realization that introspection is just as key, if not more, for myself when I return to the life I have been living. Philosophical conversations with other prestigious students here have pushed me to question why I think the way I do and the limits of my capability. My instructors in classes have pushed me to gain the knowledge I will use through any means of interaction with work, society, and relationships. And even the little times I spend having a cider at the bar trying to communicate in a foreign language has inspired me to observe people in a different light, to analyze, critique, and again reverse it upon myself.

Through my independent time I have processed my goals and intentions from what I want, to how, to accomplishing. This world we live in is a binary system: male and female, good and bad, black and white. But I want to embrace my artist and methodize the world through the greys in between, through the endless spectrum of the rainbow that exists in that we do not acknowledge. I respect the grounds of society, for without them there would be complete anarchy. But I am here to express through means of visuality, my internal comprehension. How do I paint sexual repression or enlightenment through abstraction.

I have not written this week due to the intense time-filled schedule I have, but also because I have been in mass confusion on emotion through feeling stressed, lazy, fun, weak, independent, lonely, celebratory, and learned. I have had the epiphany tonight of the written above paragraphs. I now have said words to fall back on when I go through the multiple waves I will endure. And now I share with you that I know why I am here, I know what goals I have, and you will see the products of this illumination through my pictures I post and the stories I share. Enjoy!

Figure study class: self-portrait of myself during a group installation.
12 x 16 " Charcoal.

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