Saturday, February 5, 2011

Don't say you're excited here, unless you mean sexually excited...found that out the hard way lol

Group of us playing that game of speed-independent-scrabble,
I'm not a big scrabble player so I sucked at this...who says "ni" is a word

Earlier tonight I skyped with my mamacita and she informed me that numerous people were reading my blog, where I thought she was the only one lol. So thank you keeping up with me and Bienvenue to "Jill the Thrill" (nickname in high school) in France!

Drawing: Pen on paper, 12 x 16", unfinished

Today we had a guest artist come and do a "Performance Workshop" for 8 hours with us today. For those of you who do not know, it's uber contemporary and difference than "Performing Art"....apparently, I don't know it's not my forte. We focussed on discussing the audience participation in any form of art, and had to recreate famous portraits then acting our their characters through speech and interaction. I didn't get a pic of myself, but I reenacted some famous painting of a woman behind a bar gazing off into the distance depressed. I turned it around and made it seem like she was bored so in my performance I started drinking, and as the shots continued I began swaying and handing out drinks (of water) to the audience, aka my fellow classmates. It was interesting, and I get it, but eh. The other main project was dissecting John Cage's 4:33--again if you aren't familiar he is a performance artist repeating this work several times in different ways of sitting in silence with an audience for 4 minutes and 33 seconds. His point was that even in "silence" there are sounds and true silence does not actually exist. The other side is commenting on how the audience's expectation for something to happen is part of the performance, the "non-performance" of expectation...lost and confused or bored? Welcome to Contemporary Art! It isn't for everyone. You can see his stuff on youtube, check it out if you're interested... (needless to say the audience was extremely disappointed they paid for a 5 minute performance of "nothing" because it was unknown prior to anyone's knowledge).

Painting: oil on canvas, 8 x 10", unfinished...maybe

I have been so eager to paint and draw, now I finally have homework to do such! Draw a picture using a different tool than you usually do, and in a different style. So I used pen instead of pencil, and cross-hatching rather than straight contour. Then make a separate painting based on that drawing. The drawing is definitely uncompleted as of this pic, and so is the painting--perhaps, we shall see how content I am as more homework builds. It was absolutely lovely to do oils again; it was frustrating a little because I haven't kept up with it since winter semester ended, but I completed this in roughly an hour, so not too shabby! Now off to bed for another 8 hour (ugh) day of "Performance Art" where apparently we won't speak a word all day....awesome, but hey could be worse, I could still be doing calc :)

Crepe I ate today at lunch with Ying,
Egg, tomato, cheese, and escargot butter (<---ya it's amazing)

1 comment:

  1. Loved hearing your voice from halfway around the world. Now just need to figure out the video part. Not fair that you could see me. Love your drawing and painting. I would have a hard time with 4min and 33 seconds of silence and then calling it art. To each his or her own. I would start making faces to see if I could get them to crack. Love you.
