Friday, January 28, 2011

Long flight, coughing, blisters, and still having fun!

This is what I woke up to outside my window!

So 10 hours on a flight overnight next to an oversized man, though very nice, caused me to spoon the window the entire time. Oh and not to mention the girl in front of me tested how far back she could go, I pretty much was staring at her face in my lap. I finally got to see Despicable Me however, cute movie, followed by Easy A, Cats and Dogs 2: Revenge of Kitty Galore, and Eat Pray Love. The food wasn’t half bad, better than the sausages I had for toes—my feet were so incredibly swollen the entire flight; I walked around, drank water, and even did yoga in the bathroom. It could have been my new shoes that are apparently too small and have given me blisters everywhere, can’t wait to find some cheap ones in Paris or at least until I can grab other shoes in my suitcase. Oh and some man with whooping cough (quite apparently still in existence) coughed for a couple hours straight nont-stop. Even he didn’t already sound like he was going to die, I was going to kill him. Though I’m starting to cough and can feel the sickness coming on that everyone here has. But the end finally came and I parted ways with the man who hogged the armrest, he was sweet and was on his way to visit his dad in the hospital in Dubai, so I can’t complain much.

I arrive in cloudy, yet beautiful, in it’s own way, Frankfurt completely lost on how to get to my other flight. After walking everywhere on my toes—stupid shoes—and using what little German I learned from my family (though I don’t think “ich lieve dich” would work in this situation, needless to say I would smile people and they either checked me out or glared back) I finally found the gate. Of course they changed it three times, more walking-glourious, but did the guy who works for AirFrance just give me his number? I’m afraid so, “here is my contact info if you’re ever in the area and want to see more of Frankfurt” followed by a piece of paper with his name and number on it. Definitely a hit on since he went out of his way to come to my gate and ask me for my name again. Bahahahahaha…let the Reign of European of Men begin!!!

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